After Ukraine is

-Well boys, I reckon this is it. Nuclear combat,
toe to toe with the Russkies.

Major T.J. “King” Kong in Dr. Strangelove

Carey Taylor

Suddenly, it is 1966 and I am once again playing with the neighborhood kids
at the Life Boat Station in Charleston, Oregon.

Usually, I am on the beach where the wind tangles my hair in knots.
Usually, I am riding my horse through the crow-dark forest.

Sometimes, I ride my bike past a chain-link fence that surrounds the 
naval base, where someone listens for sounds of Soviet subs under all that ocean.

Sometimes, I pick up peacock feathers in my neighbors’ pasture, 
or practice duck-and-cover at school.

Always, I hear the clanging of the American flag as it is raised and lowered
on the white metal pole outside my bedroom window.

But this day, I am hiding behind the west corner of our large 
white house, nestled between the cedar siding and a wild fuchsia.

We rock-paper-scissors to see who is the enemy. Bored from
so much waiting, I spray water on my boots from a plastic pistol, 

suck nectar from the fuchsia’s pink flowers,
keep an eye on the boy behind the trunk of a tilting pine.

When I make my move, he screams to the soldiers on his side,
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

Carey Taylor is the author of The Lure of Impermanence (Cirque Press 2018). She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and winner of the 2022 Neahkahnie Mountain Poetry Prize. Her work has been published both nationally and internationally. She holds a Master of Arts degree in School Counseling and currently lives in Portland, Oregon.
