
Diego Miguel Nguyen

The heat is excessive here. Here are two stories about it.
One day five of us were working in the orange fields.
Once sweat-fallen the youngest began weeping.  
One of us of good leather told him “Our kind
do not cry through eyes but through skin. We’ve done 
enough of this”. When I think on this I laugh.
The second story is that when I was returning
from Oklahoma I began collecting snow for you
in the red ice box after dumping out the beer.  
The snow has melted on the drive. I offer you 
our finest glass of water. Salud. 

Diego Miguel Nguyen hails from Texas. He graduated with an MFA from Miami University under Keith Tuma and was mentored by former Texas Poet Laureate, Jenny Browne. He has work published in Poet Lore and he jointly runs the channel, Poetry Taught Poorly: www.youtube.com/@PoetryTaughtPoorly
